

Glow 2.0 Tariff

Glow Package Details here Glow & Djuice Comparison Warid has revised there glow package and renamed it to Glow 2.0 here is the tariff and diffrences between glow and glow 2.0 Billing Cycle : Per 30 Sec Rs.1 will be charged on first off-net glow gang call made every day Glow Gang: Favorite 5 off-net &…


Glow & Djuice Comparison

Today we are going to compare the both most used Packages by the youngsters. Warid Glow and Telenor’s DJuice.  What are the similarities and what are the differences. First of all we are going with the Fnf (Friends & Family) Numbers Friends & Family (FnF): Friends & Family numbers are the most important thing in…