
Glow & Djuice Comparison

Today we are going to compare the both most used Packages by the youngsters. Warid Glow and Telenor’s DJuice.  What are the similarities and what are the differences.Djuice-Logoglow_logo

First of all we are going with the Fnf (Friends & Family) Numbers

Friends & Family (FnF):

Friends & Family numbers are the most important thing in these sort of packages as they allow free or very low rate calls to these numbers as well as the hourly packages.

Friends & Family Numbers
DJuice Glow
5 10

Winner : Glow!

Call Rates:

Call rates is perhaps the most important thing in any package as mobile is for voice anyways.

Call Rates
DJuice Glow
WeekDays WeekEnds WeekDays WeekEnds
Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak Peak Off-Peak
On-Net 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.79 0.69 0.69 0.69
Off-Net 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.89
FnF 0.50 4/hour 0.50 4/hour 0.45 Free* Free* Free*

* Glow Calls are free after First Minute First Minute Charges are Rs.2.25

*Djuice on-net and FnF Calls are free after 10 minutes from 8am-5pm

Weekdays: Monday to Friday

Weekends: Saturday & Sunday

Peak hours: 8am to 11pm (Glow) 8am-12am (DJuice)

Off-Peak hours: 11pm to 8am (Glow) 12am-8am-12am (Djuice)

Note: All rates are excluding TAX

Winner: Glow has a better voice plan as compared to Djuice

Value Added Services (VAS):

VAS are the real valuable services let’s have a look at the Value added services which are offered by the both packages

VAS(Value Added Services)
DJuice Glow
SMS to all networks 0.20 0.25
International SMS 5 5
MMS 5 3*
GPRS 15 16

*MMS is charged both for receiving and sending (for Glow only)

Winner: Djuice is the cheaper than Glow in SMS and GPRS and receiving MMS on Djuice is also free.

SMS Bundles:

SMS Bundles are the thing which attracts the youngsters to both of these packages. Here are the SMS Packages. Which are quite same.

SMS Bundles
Djuice Glow
250 SMS / day NA 2.99
700 / week 7 7
1000 / week 19.99 N/A
2500 / week 39.99 N/A

Winner : Djuice has the more variety in SMS Bundles than the glow Hence Djuice is the winner .

Charges on Balance Inquiry:

Balance Inquiry
Glow Djuice
Free 0.10

Winner: Glow

Caller Tunes:

Caller Tunes or Smart Tunes
Djuice Glow
Activation Charges: 25 0
Tune Charges: 5 10
Monthly  Charges: 0 10

Winner: Djuice!

Conversion Charges:

Here are the conversion charges from other packages to glow and djuice

Conversion Charges
Djuice Glow
10 25

Winner: Djuice!


Here are the results as we compared above the winner is Djuice as they won in 4 categories.

Djuice Glow
4 3

Note: in this analysis only Djuice packages is considerd Djuice din raat & Djuice Jaghte raho package is not compated

*All rates are in Rs and excluding TAX

5 thoughts on “Glow & Djuice Comparison

  1. Dear, you did very good research but one thing is very important in tariff plan that call rates and timing, on dejuice are very costly as compare to warid glow.Daily charges are deducted on dejuice tariff plan but in glow package there is no daily or hidden charges.You can also see weekend tariff plan also

    1. Dear Naveed there are not hidden charges on DJuice, yes the glow is way much cheaper than Glow in respect to the call rates. I think that package is quite btter than DJuice

  2. Dear Mr. Zubair, you have done a great job. Of-course, as evidenced from the comparison given here, one can easily understand that Djuice is better in terms of cost and consumer benefits.


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