August 31, 2010: Telenor Group’s operating company DTAC Thailand handedover a cheque of Rs68 million to Telenor Pakistan here today as its contribution toward theongoing flood relief efforts.
To announce the donation a press conference was organized by Telenor Pakistan at a local hotel.Present on the occasion from Telenor Pakistan were Aamir Ibrahim, Vice President Corporate Affairs &Chief Strategy Officer; and Affan Haider, Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility. DTACwas represented by Thana Thienachariya, Chief, Corporate Affairs & Strategy; and Wansit Saiyawan,Department Head, Corporate Affairs, PR & Communication.
Addressing the press conference Thana Thienachariya said: “DTAC and its employees have a longtradition of reaching out to communities in their time of need. As soon as we learnt about thedevastating floods in Pakistan and the widespread destruction they have caused, DTAC Managementdecided to commit funds toward Pakistan’s flood relief efforts. We also made a passionate appeal toour employees to donate generously. By contributing the equivalent of Rs68 million to the relief effortswe hope we are able to help in some small way toward lessening the loss and grief that the people ofPakistan are facing due to these destructive floods.”
Aamir Ibrahim thanked employees of DTAC and members of its Management for personally coming toPakistan to hand over their donation. “Your contribution will help make a huge difference to the livesof thousands of flood affected people by helping rebuild their livelihoods and overcome their immediatedifficulties,” he said. “Such generous donations help Telenor Pakistan reinforce its commitment to helpthe flood affected, especially through long-term sustainable rehabilitation projects that are in line withthe local needs.”
Last month, following the large-scale devastation caused by the floods, Telenor Pakistan pledged Rs100million toward the flood relief efforts and entered into a partnership with Pakistan Red Crescent Society.
One-third of the pledged amount has already been spent on purchasing relief goods and medicines.These will support 6,000 families across Pakistan and comprise 15-days rations and medicine supplies.
Telenor Pakistan employees are also donating funds of their own. Until now, they have collected closeto Rs10 million. The company has promised to match all employee contributions four times over. Otherfund-raising methods being employed include donations through SMS, easypaisa and donation boxesplaced at Telenor Sales & Service Centers. Special telethons on various TV channels and Radio stationsare being held to raise additional funds and increase awareness of the issues being faced by the floodaffected. Telenor Pakistan employees across the country are assisting further with the relief activitiesthrough volunteer efforts, carrying out assessments and distributing food, non-food items and helpingwith medical supplies.
All additional funding received will be used to facilitate rehabilitation of communities affected by thefloods. A plan to rebuild some of the affected schools is already being chalked out with the help ofpartners.
Telenor Pakistan receives Rs68 Million from DTAC Thailand for flood relief
August 31, 2010: Telenor Group’s operating company DTAC Thailand handed over a cheque of Rs68 million to Telenor Pakistan here today as its contribution toward the ongoing flood relief efforts. To announce the donation a press conference was organized by Telenor Pakistan at a local hotel. Present on the occasion from Telenor Pakistan were Aamir Ibrahim, Vice President Corporate Affairs & Chief Strategy Officer; and Affan Haider, Head of Corporate Communications & Responsibility. DTAC was represented by Thana Thienachariya, Chief, Corporate Affairs & Strategy; and Wansit Saiyawan, Department Head, Corporate Affairs, PR & Communication. Addressing the press conference Thana Thienachariya said: “DTAC and its employees have a long tradition of reaching out to communities in their time of need. As soon as we learnt about the devastating floods in Pakistan and the widespread destruction they have caused, DTAC Management decided to commit funds toward Pakistan’s flood relief efforts. We also made a passionate appeal to our employees to donate generously. By contributing the equivalent of Rs68 million to the relief efforts
we hope we are able to help in some small way toward lessening the loss and grief that the people of Pakistan are facing due to these destructive floods.”
Aamir Ibrahim thanked employees of DTAC and members of its Management for personally coming to
Pakistan to hand over their donation. “Your contribution will help make a huge difference to the lives
of thousands of flood affected people by helping rebuild their livelihoods and overcome their immediate
difficulties,” he said. “Such generous donations help Telenor Pakistan reinforce its commitment to help
the flood affected, especially through long-term sustainable rehabilitation projects that are in line with
the local needs.”
Last month, following the large-scale devastation caused by the floods, Telenor Pakistan pledged Rs100
million toward the flood relief efforts and entered into a partnership with Pakistan Red Crescent Society.
One-third of the pledged amount has already been spent on purchasing relief goods and medicines.
These will support 6,000 families across Pakistan and comprise 15-days rations and medicine supplies.
Telenor Pakistan employees are also donating funds of their own. Until now, they have collected close
to Rs10 million. The company has promised to match all employee contributions four times over. Other
fund-raising methods being employed include donations through SMS, easypaisa and donation boxes
placed at Telenor Sales & Service Centers. Special telethons on various TV channels and Radio stations
are being held to raise additional funds and increase awareness of the issues being faced by the flood
affected. Telenor Pakistan employees across the country are assisting further with the relief activities
through volunteer efforts, carrying out assessments and distributing food, non-food items and helping
with medical supplies.
All additional funding received will be used to facilitate rehabilitation of communities affected by the
floods. A plan to rebuild some of the affected schools is already being chalked out with the help of