

Twitter facing problems in traffic

For last many days I have been noticing that twitter is facing a lot of problems regarding maintaining their traffic. Twitter is overflowed for many days; you might have experienced this downtime as well. I was thinking what exactly happened to the Twitter so I researched a bit according to Twitter’s official blog due to FIFA world Cup…


Ufone: Uth (Youth) Package

Finnaly ufone back with another exciting offer although it is much similar to the other mobile networks youth packages such as Glow and Djuice hence it is very different from them. It is bit FNF o & Night Calls offer as off-net and on-net rates are quite high rates. Daily Charges are Rs. 1 plus…


Zong to Charge on Missed Call Alerts

Zong has decided to charge for Missed Call Alerts. In a short Message sent to the zong ustomers zong has  given notice to its customers that they are going to charge for the service from 25th of March.The charges for the service will be Rs. 10 /- + Tax. It would be a bit expensive…

MicrosoftWindows 7

Windows 7 Launched in Pakistan

Microsoft has finally launched Windows 7. The most awaited product of Microsoft has been launched finally. Featues: 64-bit support Accessibility Action Center Aero Aero Peek Aero Shake Audio and video Backup and Restore BitLocker Calculator Desktop Device management DirectX 11 Domain Join Gadgets Games Explorer Getting Started HomeGroup Internet Explorer 8 Jump Lists Libraries Location…