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Etisalat Receives Asia’s Best Brand and Asia Best Employer Brand Awards

Etisalat received in Singapore yesterday Asia’s Best Brand and Asia’s Best Employer brand awards form CMO Asia Awards and Employer Branding Institute in recognition of its valuable brand contributions and for being the most sought after employer in Asia.
“ETISALAT is a master brand, a brand that all “ look up to”. As an Iconic Brand, Etisalat is a role model for many to Emulate. With its polices that are relevant to the current needs of the market, Etisalat is a choice at all times of Economic happenings. Etisalat’s Human Resources polices are most Innovative & Inspire confidence amongst Employees to contribute value. Etisalat HR is built in to fabric of the business.  Commented Mr. Phil Knight Global Chairman , Best Employer Brand Awards

Etisalat has expanded its Asian footprint significantly over the past years has launched services under Etisalat brand in Asian markets like Sri Lanka and Afghanistan and exists in India under Etisalat DB.  Overall Etisalat has more than 100 million subscribers spread across 18 countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia covering 2 billion people.

Etisalat is meeting the branding challenge by working across a diverse array of cultures, languages, religions and competitor landscapes.  Importantly Etisalat believes strongly in the role of its employees and believes that creating the right company culture provides customer service excellence. That has been the focus in HR and Branding teams as Etisalat is steadily establishing itself as a global brand.
Etisalat is committed to equip its staff through its Educational arm Etisalat Academy with the latest skills and knowledge to help them achieve their personal objectives and enjoy a fulfilling career. Etisalat Academy is the region’s leading provider of business skills, leadership and government development, telecommunications and IT training, with the capacity to train more than 1,500 professionals per day. The Dubai based academy campus boasts an auditorium, sixty training rooms, and overnight accommodation for 260 people.

Etisalat has developed many training and development programs that last for one and two years. Additionally, Etisalat organizes training programs for more than 6000 of its employees at its Academy on top of external training courses.

As one of the largest national companies, Etisalat provides UAE nationals with special opportunities, facilities and training. Etisalat trains and recruits a large number of UAE nationals every year and today, more than 35% of Etisalat employees are from the UAE – of the total Etisalat staff count. Over 50% of higher management positions constitute the UAE nationals. Amongst Etisalat’s senior management team, over 90% originate from the United Arab Emirates.” he added.

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