

PTCL BroadBand Doubles Speed

PTCL has doubled its broadband data rate speed and upgraded all its existing 2Mbps customers to 4Mbps data rate on the same tariff and all existing 4Mbps customers have been upgraded to 6Mbps data service at the same tariff. In addition a new 8Mbps package has also been introduced. PTCL will have the following data…


PTCL Introduces WiFi Routers for DSL Customers

Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) is now giving WiFi routers to its broadband customers, for wireless connectivity. If you don’t know, WiFi routers will act exactly as your DSL modems, however, with a difference that WiFi routers can broadcast wireless signals with limited coverage – that is sufficient for in-house use. So if you use…