PTCL Introduces WiFi Routers for DSL Customers


Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd (PTCL) is now giving WiFi routers to its broadband customers, for wireless connectivity.

If you don’t know, WiFi routers will act exactly as your DSL modems, however, with a difference that WiFi routers can broadcast wireless signals with limited coverage – that is sufficient for in-house use.

So if you use laptop or other wireless devices, such as IP cameras etc, you can ask PTCL for WiFi routers, instead of wired routers (DSL modems).

All this comes with additional rental of Rs. 200 per month. However, this service has no extra cost for broadband customers having Smart TV.

Tariff will be

  • 1Mbps Broadband: Rs 1399
  • 2Mbps Broadband: Rs 2199
  • 4Mbos Broadband: Rs 5199

By the way, Link Dot Net is already providing WiFi routers to its customers with additional charge of Rs. 100 per month.

5 thoughts on “PTCL Introduces WiFi Routers for DSL Customers

  1. 1st of all PTCL should have to improve their landline system there is no management and customer service is also tooo bad. how ptcl can think about new services. 90% people are not satisfied with ptcl and moving from there basic service (landline). they could not be handle that then how will manage wifi, evo etc

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  3. PTCL providing 3rd class DSL customer service,my DSL has problen since last 16 days due to noise in landline number,after every effort it did not resolve,whole PTCL managment is non cooperative,even DE level people also non cooperative,where i should go to rectify my paid service problem,there is no solution you have to register your complain daily and wait,no body in ptcl who will help out you,if any body have solution then write me at [email protected]

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