Ubisoft has annouced in a press release that they are launching a new version of prince of Persia in May next year. Ubisoft has given code name “Forgotten Sands” to the new version of Prince of Persia. The story of the game has not be reveled yet.
Here is the offical press release of UbiSoft
“Today Ubisoft announced that Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sandsâ„¢ video game is in development and is scheduled to be released May 2010 for consoles and handhelds. This new instalment in the critically-acclaimed franchise marks the return to the Prince of Persia® Sands of Time storyline. Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sandsâ„¢ will feature many of the fan-favorite elements from the original series as well as new gameplay innovations that gamers have come to expect from the Prince of Persia brand.”
Other Versions of Price of Perisa are as follow
- Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
- Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
- Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
- Prince of Persia
wow that is a great news, I love to play prince
I hope this time ubi soft will make a better game as the previous version of Price was very bad.
Yes hope so, I also didn’t liked the last title of POP.
Prince of Persia is definitely one of the best movies this year.-“*
it is not always very easy to earn money online, it is a lot of work too.,~-
i also want to earn money online that is why i make lots of webpages and monetize them.”.`
Prince of Persia has definitely great graphics and storyline. Jake is also the best actor for this movie.;:`
the thing i like about Prince of Persia is the suspense and action that you get ‘;:
Prince of Persia is the best, wether it is the game or the movie we are talking about;,`