MobilinkPress Releases

Mobilink Jazz launches Audio Cinema

Mobilink, Pakistan’s market leader in cellular services and part of Orascom Telecom Holding has launched a new and innovative service allowing users to listen to select movies on their cell phones.

Jazz Audio Cinema, launched under the umbrella of Mobilink Jazz, Pakistan’s favorite prepaid cellular brand, is the first of its kind service allows users to enjoy the original dialogues & songs of popular blockbusters on the go. The movies have been adapted into a storytelling format and converted into durations of 60 to 90 minutes.

Commenting on the service, Wasif Mustafa, Director Value Added Services, IR & Products & Platform shared that, “Today the cellular handset has become a tool not only for communication but also entertainment. At Mobilink we continue to add value to the cellular experience with our new and innovative product portfolio which is the largest in the telecom industry. The Jazz Audio Cinema is an exclusive treat brought to Pakistani audiences for the first time.”

Mobilink Jazz users can subscribe to this service by dialing IVR short code 606 for a nominal monthly subscription fee and enjoy the service at low per minute browsing rates.

2 thoughts on “Mobilink Jazz launches Audio Cinema

  1. Though Mobilink is already notorious for offering hilarious packages aimed at exploiting the innocence of its customers however this time it has crossed all the limits. I am talking about Jazz 24 “Ghanta” offer. On the name of attractive offer it is plundering its users.

    Mobilink is giving 100 minutes on-net call time in Rs.29+tax and you have to consume this time within 24 hours otherwise your money will get wasted. Further more Rs. 30 extra charges will be applied on activation of this ‘Ghanta’ Offer. In more simple words you have to pay Rs. 900+tax (almost Rs. 1071) per month to call at Mobilink numbers only, for calling at other networks you will be charged separately.

    Well done Mobilink! Keep it up so that your user may shift to other networks by using Number Portability System (NPS).

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