

Ufone Super Call – 24 Hour only Rs. 2.99/Hr

As you know that Ufone Solid offer make market and most popular package of Ufone. After taking back Ufone Solid Offer on 31 March,2010  Ufone shortly introduce Ufone Super Offer. Offer Includes: Ufone to Ufone Call it is going to cost you Rs. 3.57 (including taxes) per call. Offer is available on Uwon, Tension Free,…


Ufone’s Solid Offer

Ufone’s here with yet another brilliant offer! Now for the first time in Pakistan, with Ufone Solid Offer, you will be flooded with free talk time! Talk for just 3 minutes and get the rest of your call free! There’s no need to wait for a specific time because this offer is valid 24 hours…


Ufone Tension Free Package

Stop cutting your calls short because Ufone has brought you Tension Free Package. Make calls without any tension or stress about inter-network charges because now all your calls cost only Rs.1.20 per minute to Ufone or any other network. Subscribe to the Tension Free Package and talk day or night at the lowest flat rate…