digital convergence


Samsung launched the PL-90 digital camera with built-in USB

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, announced its latest 12.2 mega-pixel PL-90 digital camera featuring a built-in USB connector that enables direct connection with a computer without additional wires or cords. The PL90’s integrated USB connector allows content to be shared easily, with the camera’s plug and…

Press ReleasesSamsung

Samsung Electronics Wins 5 European EISA Awards

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, a global leader in digital media and digital convergence technologies, has won five prestigious awards from the European Imaging and Sound Association (EISA) for the year 2010-2011. Samsung was honored with the awards including; European 3D Solution, European Blu-Ray Player, European Social Media Phone, European Smartphone and European Advanced Compact Camera.…